Members': Grassroots

Why Grassroots?

Using Grassroots enables you to search for animals, check their details, as well as their pedigree and any progeny. You can also search for members, although in some cases this may be restricted by members' preferences under data protection laws.

Finally, the Grassroots system enables you to carry out routine tasks such as birth notifications, registrations and transfers, as well as updating your own membership details.

Please note that anything you submit will not update the data automatically - your updates will go to a "holding area" until the secretary checks and processes them. You will be invoiced and may pay either by cheque or by BACS direct into the Society's account. Online payments are not yet available.

Please note that tags and registration certificates will not be issued until full payment is received.

The Society will enter into the breeding book, animals of the same breed, line or cross that are eligible for entry under the Society's breed criteria, without discrimination on account of their country of origin.
