
Payments for Registrations. Please note that with immediate effect all registrations must be paid on receipt of invoice. Whilst lamb registrations will be processed on arrival, either from the web or paper applications, no registrations will be uploaded to On Line until they have been paid for. Therefore, please pay your invoice as soon as possible so that your lamb registrations can be validated. 

Grassroots on line video.  Watch the ON LINE INTRO VIDEO NOW!!

Remember to Birth Notify your lambs. Only £3 per lamb and it will give us so much more information about the breed and be able to make plans taking the breed forward. Remember, they must be upgraded to go to the major shows and BN are not eligible for the National Sale at Carlisle in August. 

***REGISTRATION DEADLINE: 31st October*** After this, late fees apply!  ALL SIRES MUST BE DNA TESTED. The Society is covering the cost in 2025. Please apply to [email protected] for blood cards 

The registration procedure is applicable from January 1st, 2025.  On line fees for  Pedigree Bleus remain at £10 for Females and £15 for Males, plus VAT. However paper applications will attract a 20% surcharge for all sheep registered after January 1st 2025.  MBs remain unchanged at £5 for females & £10 for males plus VAT, No surcharge for paper applications until 2026

Where possible all registrations should be completed on line using Grassroots. Please find full instructions in the guidance notes.   PDFs of Guidance & Registration forms

All sheep must now be registered by 31st October in the year of birth. In addition any sheep not fully registered by 14th June may not be entered for the Premier Sale under any circumstances. Sheep attending shows should also be registered, and only registered sheep should be presented at the major shows.

The Society will enter into the breeding book, animals of the same breed, line or cross that are eligible for entry under the Society's breed criteria, without discrimination on account of their country of origin.

From 2022 Council have agreed that wholly black lambs can be fully registered. The online form should be completed and must indicate if the lamb is black and this will be shown on its pedigree certificate.

Please note. All registrations forms should be returned to Jane Smith,at the address below.


Council agreed that it would be the breeders’ choice as to whether they use the society flag tag, as has been previously supplied or opt to use their own suppliers EID and match up tag. If you decide to use your own tags, the following information must be printed on the match up tag.

Side 1. UK information

Side 2. Flock letters, year and last 3 digits of UK number.  .

If you wish to continue to use the Society flag tag these need to be ordered through the Society and they will be chargeable to the breeder.

For anyone wishing to adopt the system using your own tags you will be required to order these yourselves and ensure the correct flock details and year are included. Tags can be ordered in small quantities so there should be very little waste. Tags cost £1.13 + VAT and postage

Any sheep not registered by 31st October will attract double fees immediately so please ensure you do everything on time. The rule of June 14th will be strictly adhered to.


When a member applies to have lambs registered  the individual EID number must be used on the registration form (either on line or paper version).  If you require a Society tag to replace your own secondary tag this must be clearly stated on the form and you will be required to pay for it, in addition to the registration fee. It will have the individual information on it as well as the Bleu du Maine or Millennium Bleu flock number, the year and the individual number. This number will be the last three digits of the official EID number. (e.g. BDM ABC11 345)
